For me this has been a really personal journey. From a young age I worked as a model and its a crazy fact but actually my parents were both models and yes I entered the family business I guess of modelling. Weird family busienss i know. 

 But it was incredible, I had an amazing time, travelling the world but of course it came with its fair share of challenges as well. I struggled with weight, with confidence and actually, the only sort of support network I had were the other models that were a little older that i would lean on. (If you need a quick beauty hack, ask a model ha)

 But it was also somewhat ruthless. We were getting measured and in some places weighed every week which of course would never happen now but I really was in constant fear of not looking and feeling my best. 

 But there were things that I learned from all the other girls, and that I developed myself, which were really useful. Both for the mind and getting clear in the skin and the body. I also had the privilege of working with world class trainers and learned so much about nutrition, exercise, and ultimately about how best to get the body to do what I wanted it to do, to be in control, healthily­.

But there were things that I learned from all the other girls, and that I developed myself, which were really useful. Both for the mind and getting clear in the skin and the body. I also had the privilege of working with world class trainers and learned so much about nutrition, exercise, and ultimately about how best to get the body to do what I wanted it to do, to be in control, healthily.

I found that every time I hit a low mentally or I’d been on holiday and started to show it, I had this sort of 10 day reset I could do to get myself into the right mindset both physically and mentally, and I really have been using this ever since, especially when I go through those inevitable times of not feeling myself or my best. 

 But it was really only over the last few years, I had left modelling, come back to New Zealand and started to really crave community. The hardest thing for me about being away from home in those later teen years was that I really lacked those school friendship groups, the groups that as we get older as women, really lean on. Whether it’s for fertility issues or a bad break up, work dramas or a pandemic that come along and flips up our world, the most important thing I think for all of us is having a community of people around us to help us feel seen and supported. 

 In 2021, this lead to my partner and I started a series called WellBeings with an “S”, the idea being that we need all the parts of us to be well to be a well being. It all started as a podcast looking at the science of feeling good! Bringing this to life, we were able to spend time with some incredible wellness heroes – everyone from Andrew Huberman, Wim Hof, James Clear and Johan Hari. Johan is amazing actually – he ALSO recently wrote a book on the weight loss drug Ozempic called Magic Pill, which we are hoping to interview him on over the next few weeks. And something quite shocking. he thinks the drug will be as big for our world as the smart phone, very conflicting topic but yes, excited about that. 

The podcast went to number 1 in NZ, which lead to a radio show, a website. But the thing we quickly realized - there is a lot of content out there that motivates people but if we want to actually change, you need a plan. 

 I remembered back to the little girl I was, little 15 year old me on the other side of the world, and the support I had in those early years and just leaned into that idea of resetting, over and over again when my confidence would get knocked. And I think that we can all relate in big and small moments when this happens. It could be wanting to get your mojo back after a job loss, a child leaving home, after having a baby, a divorce, you have a big moment coming up or just want to get back to the you, take control back, jump in the driver’s seat and unearth the you that’s in there somewhere but maybe has been a little buried under the overwhelm of late. 

 I think we all have this feeling right now, everyone it seems in community does anyway, of feeling, so busy, so many things to do. We have become humans doing, not humans beings anymore. 

 So this program called THE RESET, is all about creating with a community of between 20-30 Women at a time, it’s a chance to step back from all the noise and take some time for you. It’s a 10 day journey of meal plans and workouts, its tips and tricks and learning about new wellness modalities, from tongue scrapping to facial massages and even stepping right outside our comfort zone, to do things like hilotropic breathwork. I am a very passionate foodie and have worked with a naturopath to develop the food, but I also take you through a day of hormone safe fasting to give your system downtime time to heal itself, which for myself, as someone who loves to cook and eat, is probably the hardest part of the program, but also the most clarity comes from that day. 

 But more than anything it’s about building community, it’s about knowing that whatever age, whatever circumstances, we have more in common with each other than we think, we share SO much of the same purpose. Which I think is to look after the ones we love and each other, but sometimes we overlook the looking after ourselves part. You can’t pour from an empty cup!

 Thank you visiting and I look forward to getting to working with you!